Time Is Running Out - Group exhibition
Time is Running Out. An art exhibition on the essence of existence.
The fleeting essence of it is a constant reminder as we rush through life. The urgency of the ticking clock encourages us to delve into our purpose and motivations, igniting a desire for meaningful transformation before the final day arrives. But when does that day start and when does it end? Will we elevate the importance of our lives and embrace change being influenced by our past? Or shall we remain complacent, assuming that time stretches endlessly before us? Are we ready to confront the undeniable expiration date that graces us all?
These might be some contemplations we all have as we navigate our brief existence in time. As we confront these introspective inquiries, the fear of being forgotten looms. Striving for recognition, the notion of legacy becomes doomed. Even in a world where ignorance mingles with genuine concern, the persistent march of time cannot be denied.
Time Is Running Out.
Notagallery invited artists from various paths of life to use their artworks as a medium to showcase their personal relationship with time.
Artists exhibited:
Agnieszka Sowisło-Przybył, Anna Borowy, Anne Bengard, Benyamin Reich, Dr. Banner, Dr. Molrok, Ducotekens, Gentaro Masuda, Humza Rana, Jaron Gyger, Jiwa, L. Giuseppe Gennaro, Max Grote, Michel Niknafs, Mischka, Max Ruebensal, Nicolas Crocetti, Roman Manikhin, Roland Beier, Sofia Yesakova, Sven Vollbrecht, Thomas Kierok
Exhibition duration: 08 September - 15 November 2023

Artworks by Luca Giuseppe Gennaro in Notagallery, Berlin. Courtesy of Notagallery.
Artworks by Roman Manikhin in Notagallery, Berlin. Courtesy of Notagallery.
Watch the exhibition recap here!