Dr. Banner

Dr.Banner is an American pseudo-anonymous multimedia artist and creative director based in Berlin. His work explores consciousness through 2d expressionism and multi-dimensional installations that use surrealist visualizations to bring new forms of awareness to audiences through interactive and participatory experiences. Banner is the co-founder of ntent, an art and technology collective, where he works as a public voice and activist for sustainability, equality, decentralization, and the democratization of arts and culture.

About the Collection in the Current Exhibition:

The Human Made collection was created through a participatory experience produced by the NTENT art and technology collective (Dr.BannerX, jiwa, & Blue Moon). 43 humans interacting with a custom-programmed artificial intelligence Large language model trained on Jungian philosophy used archetypal discovery to select found American ephemera from the 1960s, 70s, and 80s to generate mixed media collages representing their human personality, assembled by River Davis (AKA Dr.BannerX.) 

Selected Works

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