Exclusive Interview with Tina Winkhaus

Exclusive Interview with Tina Winkhaus

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH DR. MOLROK Reading Exclusive Interview with Tina Winkhaus 3 minutes Next Berlin Art Week at Notagallery

Do you remember the first time you created something? When did your artistic journey begin and what brought you to the art world?

I grew up in the dark room with photography equipment as my mother was a designer and photographer.

Let's discuss the fear of failure. How do you deal with it on your artistic journey and what helps you to pursue your dreams? 

The fear of falling makes me sink deeper into the circle of my demons, then finally my art becomes authentic and true. The rest of life is "act as if." To pursue my dreams: just work.

How would you describe your artistic style and the themes you explore? How has this evolved as you've grown as an artist? Share your thoughts on your artistic approach.

My art is rooted in the 'zeitgeist' and brings the soul to the surface. It is like an accident you can't look away from, powerful and intense like good whiskey. My work grows with the awareness that life is not eternal, and this knowledge shapes the content of my art. 

Let's talk about one of your artworks exhibited at NOTAGALLERY's "Gesunder Größenwahn" exhibition. Walk us through the process of creating it.

The Pennerwagen: A Sculpture

It wasn’t planned. One morning, I woke up with the idea to place all my friend's designer luxury purses in a homeless person's trolley to see what would happen. The reaction from the passersby was astonishing. The perceived value of the bags vanished, and people shouted at my photographers, insisting they shouldn't take pictures of such a miserable person, without realizing what was inside the trolley.

This spontaneous act led to the creation of a 3D sculpture. I collaborated with a miniature artist to meticulously paint all the logos on the trolley. Thus, the sculpture was born—a unique and original piece.

How do you navigate the balance between chaos and order in your art?

My art has no chaos, the chaos is before I start to work.

If your art could have a conversation with the viewer, what would it say?

The chaos exists only before I begin to work. The creative process involves wrestling with chaos, but once I start, my focus is on bringing clarity and structure to my ideas. The finished piece is a reflection of that transformation from disorder to a harmonic piece of art.

Finally, we would love to hear some names! What other emerging artists inspire you and also deserve our attention? 

Julius von Bismarck, Velázquez,  Rembrandt, Caravaggio, Yoko Ono, Leigh Bowery, Gregory Crewdson, Coen Brothers, Quentin Tarantino, Alexander McQueen, Louis Vuitton, Richard Wagner