The Curse is My Liberation


The Curse is My Liberation

Sale price€6.420,00

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Medium: Inkjet print on aludibond

Size: 165 x 110 cm

Year: 2022

A nude woman surrounded by fruits and flowers and produce evokes almost unwillingly a thought to the story of the Garden of Eden, and the idea that God cursed Eve for her “original sin.” While the Christian interpretation of this story is almost universally used, there is a Jewish interpretation that offers a different perspective. That God’s decisions actually imbued honor on Eve - giving her the sole power to create the everlasting life that was given freely in the Garden of Eden, and that she gained sexual agency to ensure that it was possible. That Adam became aware of his mortality, and that the snake was the only one of them cursed, but that the three of them remain eternally linked. For Eve, what is perceived and told as a curse is actually a liberation and a gift.