new york city / at the gallery
new york city / at the gallery
new york city / at the gallery

Florian Reinhardt

new york city / at the gallery

Sale price€9.000,00

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Medium: C-Print on Alu-Dibond

Dimensions: 100x100cm

Year: 2012

The artwork 'new york city / at the gallery' by Florian Reinhardt is a C-Print photograph on Alu-Dibond created in 2011. 

Florian Reinhardt is an artist and filmmaker, born 1978 in Bonn, Germany. Raised in 8 different german towns, he later finished schooling and began interning at various TV companies. Soon, he made a successful career as a director and shareholder of a film production company. After 20 years of film, he began producing reality shows. Missing the creative process of film production, he rediscovered his childhood love for pictures. 

10 years ago, he found his passion for capturing one special motive as a photographer, EXIT signs. In 2008 in Miami, he saw an EXIT sign with two lights on top, one broken which represented  how to keep up: physically present, mentally not. Since then, he has shot over 1,000 EXIT signs which may differ visually but are present everywhere thus reflecting life. For him,  EXIT is an opportunity to let go of daily compulsion to function, of the captivity of the imprinting of his personality. Florian lives and works in Cologne, Germany.